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Services > Equipment

MESA – Mobility Enhanced Spectrum Analyzer
MESA – Mobility Enhanced Spectrum Analyzer
The MESA is a portable, handheld spectrum analyzer providing detection up to 6 and 12 GHz (depending on package) and sweeps a 6 GHz span more than 100 GHz per second. It is equipped with powerful functions like Persistence and a Live Raster Waterfall in a handheld package, including other unique modes for detecting and locating unknown RF signals and interference.
ANDRE – Advance Near-Field Detection Receiver
ANDRE – Advance Near-Field Detection Receiver
The ANDRE is a handheld broadband receiver that detects known, unknown, illegal, disruptive, or interfering transmissions. The ANDRE locates nearby RF, infrared, visible light, carrier current, and other types of transmitters. Quickly and discretely mitigate threats using the ANDRE Advanced Kit’s wide range of accessories specifically designed to receive transmissions across a 1 kHz to 6 GHz frequency range. Technical security specialists will appreciate the portability and responsiveness of the ANDRE. It is an excellent complement to an OSCOR Spectrum Analyzer as a preliminary non-alerting tool.

OSCOR – Blue
OSCOR – Blue
The OSCOR Blue is a hand-held spectrum analyzer with a rapid sweep speed and functionality suited for detecting unknown, illegal, disruptive, and anomalous rogue transmissions across a wide frequency range. The OSCOR Blue Spectrum Analyzer is designed to detect illicit eavesdropping signals, perform site surveys for communication systems, conduct radio frequency (RF) emissions analysis, and investigate misuse of the RF spectrum.
Efficiency: sweeps 24 GHz in one second to quickly detect transmitting electronic surveillance devices and ensure that spectrum activity is captured
TALAN – Telephone and Line Analyser
TALAN – Telephone and Line Analyser
The TALAN Telephone and Line Analyzer provides a complete integrated suite of tools to analyze, inspect, and test digital telephone lines (and other wiring) for taps and eavesdropping devices. New VoIP analysis software allows users to test internet protocol packet traffic for source and destination addresses, header type, and packet statistics.
Efficiency: compares the results of multiple tests on multiple phone lines to quickly identify threatening anomalies.

ORION® – 2.4 HX Non-Linear Junction Detector
ORION® – 2.4 HX Non-Linear Junction Detector
The OSCOR Blue is a hand-held spectrum analyzer with a rapid sweep speed and functionality suited for detecting unknown, illegal, disruptive, and anomalous rogue transmissions across a wide frequency range. The OSCOR Blue Spectrum Analyzer is designed to detect illicit eavesdropping signals, perform site surveys for communication systems, conduct radio frequency (RF) emissions analysis, and investigate misuse of the RF spectrum.
Efficiency: sweeps 24 GHz in one second to quickly detect transmitting electronic surveillance devices and ensure that spectrum activity is captured
SNAKE EYE – Cavity Search Borescope
SNAKE EYE – Cavity Search Borescope
The ‘Snake Eye’ Video Borescope is ideal for cavity and conduit search as well as engineering inspections. It is available with inspection tubes from 1m to 5m in length; as well as an optional 2 way articulated tube. The ‘Snake Eye’ Borescope utilizes a video tube with a 4,5mm diameter with a 5mm threaded head unit. This enables inspections of the smallest of cavity openings, roof linings, and cable conduits.

Cellular Phone Encryption
Cellular Phone Encryption
Advanced VoIP End to End mobile phone encryption solution. The system uses the highest security algorithms; 4096 bit RSA, 256 bit AES key data protection, encoding keys change for each session securing your VOICE conversations, FILE exchange and SMS messages with no hardware modifications needed on the phone. Optional Conference call facility. Full private server system available.
ANG-220 – Acoustic noise generator
ANG-220 – Acoustic noise generator
The ANG-2200 Acoustic Noise Generator creates a perimeter of noise that defeats acoustic leakage eavesdropping devices including wired microphones inside walls, contact microphones, audio transmitters located in AC outlets, and laser/microwave reflections from windows. The system is designed for permanent installation.
Efficiency: offers two channels, each with high and low frequency control to compensate for material composition, with truly random noise sources

Blake Technical Services :
Blake Technical Services :
Blake Technical SARL operates a comprehensive security consultancy providing a confidential, discreet and respected service for clients around the world. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about security or products displayed on our site.
We are the official REI Representatives and Services Centre for Switzerland.